Sunday, July 29, 2007

This was cute!

I just thought this was too cute to not share. Davin and I were sitting on the couch and the first time he came up to me and nearly pounced on me like he always does but lately I have been trying to tell him to be gentle around mommy because there is a baby in my tummy. Then he tried sitting on my lap but of course right on my belly so again, I had to tell him to be careful of the baby in mommy's tummy. He finally got it and scooted down.

After a little while he came over to sit next to me while he was eating a banana and drinking some milk. Suddenly, he announced to me, "Baby come out." I laughed and told him that he will need to wait 7 or 8 months before the baby is ready to come out. He insisted on 8 months! I also asked him if he wants a baby brother or a baby sister and he quietly says, "Baby brother."

So, there you have it. A prediction from my almost 3 year old. We will have the baby in 8 months and it will be a boy. Wonder if he will be correct?


Saturday, July 28, 2007

Our peanut is still okay!

Wow, I didn't realize it had been so long since I posted! I have been plagued by some terrible nausea which lasts almost all day. It is better in the mornings and afternoons but I can barely stand it in the evenings. It doesn't make for a very social person! I am not sure but I think I have managed to keep it in check now since my doctor recommended those arm sickness bracelets. I started wearing them yesterday and it seems to have helped. I won't know for sure until later this evening but I am hoping that I can at least eat dinner tonight!

Yes, I still need to scan the ultrasound photo of our little peanut and I also have some belly shots which I hope turned out okay. My belly popped out during week 8/9 and I am now wearing my "fat" pants and maternity ones too. I am really starting to feel pregnant!

I had my regular doctor check up yesterday and we heard the heartbeat with the little doppler so that was exciting! We got a good strong 160 beats/min and it was so reassuring to hear it at last. I also think it is funny because despite the ultrasound, my doctor is sticking with the due date that is measured from my period. I suppose it could change again when they do the 18 week ultrasound but I guess for now my due date will be Feb.14.2008. It is too confusing when you ask me what week I am in since it keeps changing on me! I guess technically I am week 11 right now and that means I better update those darn tickers again.

That's all for now. I need to get the house ready for our Swedish guests which are arriving on Monday!


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Due Date Change

I got a call from the nurse yesterday about our ultrasound results. Nothing really revealing as she told me what we already saw during the ultrasound ... the baby is viable and in the right spot. However, based on the measurements they changed my due date to Feb.20.2008 instead of Feb.14.2008 which actually doesn't surprise me at all. When I did all the online due date predictors they all said Feb 18th. I went ahead and updated all the tickers above so now I am 7w6d pregnant!


Friday, July 6, 2007

We got a heartbeat!

Today was the ultrasound and we got the heartbeat! Our little bean is about 10mm long and the heartbeat was 139 & 149 the two times the technician measured. We could clearly see the flickering of the tiny little heart and also the yoke sac too. We have a photo we need to scan so I will post that soon.

It's so weird that we are now official and we can start telling everyone. I mean there are still no guarantees but the heartbeat means we have a really good chance of keeping this one. I will open up the blog for everyone to read soon so all you special people are not so special anymore. ;) Just kidding!

Here we go and keep sending us your good vibes!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Sensaria National Convention

I just got home from my Sensaria convention and it was fantastic. There are so many ideas and great women out there AND the company is proving to me again and again that they are wonderful too. There are so many new programs and new products coming out in August that my mind is overflowing with information! I am so dead tired and it was also hard work keeping my pregnancy hidden too. I felt nauseous most of the weekend so I am sure I gave off a weird vibe to some people. They probably thought I was bored or anti-social or something. I am sure they will understand once they find out.

Anyway, more later if I can manage it. :)