Saturday, July 28, 2007

Our peanut is still okay!

Wow, I didn't realize it had been so long since I posted! I have been plagued by some terrible nausea which lasts almost all day. It is better in the mornings and afternoons but I can barely stand it in the evenings. It doesn't make for a very social person! I am not sure but I think I have managed to keep it in check now since my doctor recommended those arm sickness bracelets. I started wearing them yesterday and it seems to have helped. I won't know for sure until later this evening but I am hoping that I can at least eat dinner tonight!

Yes, I still need to scan the ultrasound photo of our little peanut and I also have some belly shots which I hope turned out okay. My belly popped out during week 8/9 and I am now wearing my "fat" pants and maternity ones too. I am really starting to feel pregnant!

I had my regular doctor check up yesterday and we heard the heartbeat with the little doppler so that was exciting! We got a good strong 160 beats/min and it was so reassuring to hear it at last. I also think it is funny because despite the ultrasound, my doctor is sticking with the due date that is measured from my period. I suppose it could change again when they do the 18 week ultrasound but I guess for now my due date will be Feb.14.2008. It is too confusing when you ask me what week I am in since it keeps changing on me! I guess technically I am week 11 right now and that means I better update those darn tickers again.

That's all for now. I need to get the house ready for our Swedish guests which are arriving on Monday!


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