Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Day Indoors

We actually never made it outside today but the weather did seem nice and sunny. I believe it was a bit warmer today at around -2 C or 28 F ... it probably got a bit warmer during the middle of the day but probably not over freezing.

Katrin borrowed Irene's car to take her son to her ex-husband and pick up her two girls. I am not sure I understand the schedule but they do share custody. So, we decided to stay home since we didn't have any other good transportation. Also, they brought the Wii upstairs for Davin to play with so we didn't see much of him. He loves the LEGO games and they had one he had not played before ... LEGO Star Wars! I want to play it too!

Dinner was a nice spaghetti with meat sauce and we shared the meal with Katrin and her youngest daughter Carolina who is 9. Johanna visited a bit earlier with her boyfriend but they soon took off. I don't remember how old Johanna is now but she is the oldest so I will say about 16?

I also spent most of the day sorting through some photos so I have a new album uploaded with more photos from Motala. There are a bunch still missing online since I pulled out the photos from the Mischief Factory and Christmas Eve so they will go in their own albums eventually. Too many photos!! Here is the new album:


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