Friday, December 19, 2008

The Weather

I had a friend ask me how the weather is here since I neglected to include it in my blog. The weather in Seattle is quite cold as they are having a winter storm and lots of cold weather. I have been reading a lot of posts from my mom's group and also emails from my mom and other people complaining about the weather at home. Apparently the temperature in Seattle hasn't gotten much above freezing and well into the twenties at night. It even snowed yesterday in Seattle too!

Anyway, the weather here has been quite nice actually. When we first arrived there was plenty of snow and around freezing outside. It felt a lot colder since we weren't prepared for such cold weather when we were traveling. All our warm gear was packed away. The next day or two stayed about the same temperature and the day and night temps were pretty close to the same ... around freezing. On Sunday or Monday the temps started going up which melted most of the snow. It was probably in the mid-30's? The last few days have been pretty warm during the day since the temps got to around 40 degrees. At night it still can get cold and windy but so far it hasn't been too bad.

Today was the first time it rained and while I haven't been outside yet, it doesn't look more than a mist or drizzle. Well, I suppose I should get a shower so we can head out for the day.

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