How can I be so tired?? Everyone just went to bed here and it is just past 8:30pm. Perhaps it was the weather today or the lack of sleep or both. I have come to the conclusion that my online temperature app has probably been off by about 10 degrees. Today it was SO COLD! It was 40-45 F but with the wind it felt about 10 degrees colder. Lots of clouds and rain today so things didn't quite go as planned.
Bjorn called me in the morning and said that Sebastian was up all night throwing up so they weren't coming today to the Carnival. Then an hour later, Erik phoned and said it was pouring down and bitter cold as well. Not a great start to the day. They decided to come over to the house and bring lunch. It was a ham and broccoli quiche, some chicken drumsticks and a salad. It was great! It is really nice to have people visit and the kids just have a blast playing together.
After lunch, the weather looked somewhat better (it wasn't as cold or rainy here at the house) so we decided to brave it and go to the carnival. There were a lot of people there so I think people just went anyway even if the weather was awful. The kids had fun on the rides and then we bought some cotton candy for the kids to share. What a sticky mess! Thankfully, they have bathrooms to wash everyone's hands. We walked around a bit and looked at the tents set up to sell things. Most were cheap "fair" type of items but some looked nice. We bought a hat for Linnea at one tent that looked like it could be handmade. Of course, now that I converted the cost into dollars ... it was an expensive hat! It better be handmade!
Then it started to rain again so we decided to call it a day and go our separate ways. Well, that wasn't exactly the plan because Erik & Anna were planning on letting Liv (their 2 year old) stay with Farmor for two nights since they had to go home and shower, get clean clothes and go to a birthday party. The plan was to drop Liv off on their way home but Farmor decided to come here early to say hello to Fredrik and Davin. So, Erik & Anna returned to our house to wait for Farmor and do the kiddo exchange at our house instead. Then it was just the four of us (Farmor, Liv, Linnea and myself) to wait for about 1.5 hours before we had to pick up the boys at the train station.
I decided I needed some things at the grocery store even though Farmor brought another bag of groceries. They weren't anything we really needed. We got the things we needed and headed to the train station which was very close to the grocery store. We waited about 10 minutes before their train arrived and then we saw them! Linnea was so excited!
They were very tired and Davin had a lot of crazy energy. More so than usual so it was probably because he had such little sleep. We go home and Fredrik takes a shower. We have a light dinner and then get the kids off to bed. It is nice to have them here. I will have to add the photos I took today later as I can barely stay awake right now. Maybe that will mean we will all be on the same time tomorrow which will be a day of REST.
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