Thursday, September 6, 2007

16 Week Ultrasound

Well, I goofed. I got a little anxious and scheduled this a week earlier than I was supposed to but I thought it would be okay. I forgot that my doctor is counting a week later than my first ultrasound so this is 16 weeks and not 17.

Anyway, we got up early this morning for an 8am appointment. I sucked down some orange juice or some liquid so I had a full bladder by the time we got there. Davin did really well through the appointment and he liked looking at the "tv" to see the baby. He lost interest real quick however. We found out from the tech that the early ultrasound ... I think it was before 12 weeks? ... is the most accurate for predicting the date since all babies develop at the same exact rate in the beginning. After that, there are other factors that kick in ... gestational diabetes, diet, genetics, etc. So, that decided it for me to count my development by the ultrasound measurements from this point on.

As for determining the sex of the baby ... the tech got a fairly good look early on but she did mention it was a bit too early to be sure. She said that she did think it could be a girl since she didn't see any boy parts. The next time she got a look she was a bit more hesitant. Still no clear boy parts but no real clear image of any girl parts either. The baby was really moving a lot too so it was hard. The final time she looked she totally was going back on what she thought before because now it was smooth between the legs so it could be the testicles we were seeing. Still no penis but ultimately we know no more today than we did yesterday.

They did get most of the measurements but they were missing a few so they had to have us wait for the in-house doctor review them to make sure I didn't need to come back. After about 20 minutes waiting, they sent us home since all the critical stuff was accounted for and nothing looked abnormal. Still, I am hoping for another ultrasound even if it is mostly just to figure out the sex!!


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