Friday, March 9, 2007

And So It Begins...

I am sure that everyone (okay so it is three people!) who is reading my blog wants to hear this but my period started yesterday. FINALLY! The good news is that we can start trying in a few months or ... right away if we really wanted to even though it is against the advise of our doctor. I am fine with waiting another month or two because I really don't want a baby during the holidays. Anyway, my focus right now is on my business but at least I can start thinking about charting my cycle again just to see where I am at. I only did this for one month before we got pregnant last time and I am curious what my Luteal Phase length is. ;)

I also received a nice box of chocolates from a wonderful and kind Austrian fella sometime last week and finished off the last piece tonight. It wasn't entirely my favorite types of chocolates but who am I to complain?? Even Davin stole one and enjoyed it quite throughly. He was so funny because he came up to me after taking a quick break from his computer to have me wipe his hands. He usually sucks on his hands when he doesn't have a binky so this isn't unusual but then I noticed this dark stuff around his mouth and then the same stuff on his hand! Sneaky little devil.

Oh that reminds me that I think we are over the whole milk allergy/sensitivity thing!! So far, so good but it all started with a bowl of ice cream that Fredrik was eating at a friend's house that Davin just wouldn't leave alone. Davin had his own bowl of soy ice cream (which is really good by the way!) but didn't want any part of it. So, since it was a weekend and encouraged by another friend who had similar problems with their child -- we let Davin eat the regular ice cream! There was still a slight rash that appeared on his face and a small diaper rash the next day but nothing like what we experienced before! We have worked up to a 50% mix of soy and cow milk with no reactions -- the previous time we tried cow's milk, he threw it all up immediately. Wish us luck!

That is enough for tonight. Maybe I will have energy to post about the Sensaria Customer VIP event that I went to tonight this weekend. ;)


1 comment:

  1. Congrats,LoL! Isn't funny how sometimes the worst things can be the best things for you. :) Best of luck with ttc when ever you decide it is time. :) Yay for Davin's milk allergies going away! Hopefully it is a trend that sticks for him. What a relief for you and Fredrik!
